With popular reality shows like Hoarders and Hoarding: Buried Alive, this issue has come into focus.

The viewer peeks into the lives of people who are overwhelmed with belongings; every room of a hoarder's house contains piles of seemingly unrelated items, often described as clutter and junk, that the average person would easily toss.
The spectrum from clutter to hoarding is wide, but people can become emotionally attached to their piles of ‘stuff’, not willing, or able, to let anything go.
Hoarding can cause someone to amass a variety of things. It may disrupt someone’s day-to-day life or ability to maintain a clean and safe living space.
Hoarding is a consistent inability to discard or part with belongings, whatever their usefulness or value. Attempts to part with possessions can create considerable distress and lead to decisions to save them. Compared to clutter, hoarding is more extreme.