It is never too late to activate programmes and practices to remain engaged and excited about life.
Think always of the fact that even though, like everyone else, you’re getting older but that could also mean better.
Colorado State University Professor of Human Development and Family Studies Professor Manfred Diehl has proposed there are 10 tips to grow old with a flourish.
1. Use it or lose it
Physical activity is a positive undertaking on many levels. Devoting at least 30 minutes each day to move, or engage with more formal exercise, is good for the brain, bones, muscles and joints. A regular routine can also be a chance to socialize and develop a sense of belonging. If you’re starting from scratch make sure you don’t overdo things—start slowly and build up your capabilities.
2. Mind work-out
Your brain needs exercise to remain sharp and stimulated. Never stop discovering and being challenged. Start from activities you love to do such as reading, writing, conversation or debate. Keep thinking and don’t be thwarted if sometimes the synapses (thinking speed) don’t engage as smoothly as they used to.
3. The wealth of health
The key messages about adopting a healthy lifestyle never change—eating well and sensibly, getting enough sleep, keeping your weight under control, no smoking and moderate intake of alcohol.
4. Keep connected
Not just with your spouse, or partner, but with family, friends and your community as long as that is not at the expense of your privacy. Keep abreast of what is going on in the world—bearing in mind that some events can be upsetting and unsettling. If something happens to get in the way of you feeling optimistic about life, then avoid it.