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About the Institute

The Selwyn Institute is the knowledge hub of The Selwyn Foundation. 

We are a dedicated and diverse team, our role is to support the Foundation’s mission by acquiring and sharing knowledge of ageing well and spirituality to deliver better outcomes for older people and their families. We share innovation and insights, alongside practical information on ageing well through articles and seminars. We also offer professional development opportunities for people working in aged care, including conferences, access to courses and learning packages.

Helping you age well

The Selwyn Institute focusses on uncovering, understanding, and then sharing, information related to the dynamics of ageing and wellbeing. We take a holistic view to develop initiatives and produce outcomes, based on an emerging global interest in the concept of Ageing Well. A perspective that says as we grow older we can continue to get better. An approach that starts with you we like to push boundaries and challenge conventions. We do this to make sure the utmost is being done for the people we care for and care about. The Institute achieves this through independent initiatives, or in association with other parties, actively involved in the Aged Care sector and services.

Learn and grow

We provide forums to share opinions, findings, thoughts and information to help people lead, discover, learn, grow and inspire themselves and others. We conduct and analyse research and have built a particular leadership role in spirituality as it relates to ageing and wellbeing. We create and promote programmes and services whereby other organisations can benefit from our experience to achieve their own goals.

Future with a past

Our approach and reputation are underpinned by decades of work in the Aged Care sector as part of The Selwyn Foundation. We’re guided by the notion that, in order to care for older people, you have to care about them. Based in New Zealand we’re fortunate to have the contribution of the Tangata Whenua Maori concepts related to respecting, and embracing, the power of growing old to help guide us. With applications, we believe, that resonate well beyond our shores. Similarly, our affiliations with the Church of England provide us with a strong pastoral perspective on aged care.

Informing and Engaging

The Selwyn Institute exists to engage with anyone with an active interest, and role, in the Aged Care sector. With this orientation aimed specifically at helping people, and others, to age well. You can engage with the Institute in a number of ways, and on different levels, based on your particular perspective, or area of interest. We aim to be a fresh, relevant, innovative, insightful, and stimulating voice.

  • Research

    Selwyn's role in building evidence

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  • The Selwyn Institute for Ageing and Spirituality is proud to have an active role as a champion for elderly people, using facts and evidence to influence social and economic policy The Selwyn Institute for Ageing and Spirituality is proud to have an active role as a champion for elderly people, using facts and evidence to influence social and economic policy


    We focus on creating and maintaining alliances to influence policy in relation to ageing well. Read our latest report on the solutions for a looming loneliness crisis.

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    Information about ageing

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    Student Placements

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